Well we've waited and waited but now I can say that our Coop will get a little fuller in February. :D We are expecting our newest little person to arrive sometime around February 2oth, but if they are anything like their big sister, it will be closer to Valentines Day. Boogie is so excited she is beside herself. She and Jon have both put in their orders for a baby "brudder", I am trying to put the thought into their heads that just because you want a baby brother doesn't mean that's what your going to get, so a baby sister might be good too. Boogie keeps picking out things for her baby Brudder and telling me that she will show him how to do stuff. I am so glad that she is so excited.
I on the other hand have had a rough pregnancy this time. The exhaustion and nausea have been horrible. Add on top of that the fact that the lovely wonderful amazing anti nausea pills give you horrible bowel trouble, and you in a recipe for disaster. Jon has been wonderful on countless occasions and taken Boogie out for walks to to cut the grass or go swimming at her Nah Nah's house, so that I could just rest. He really has been earning big hubby points lately. I will be in my second trimester on Saturday so I am hoping that many of these symptoms go away quickly and are not replaced by new more interesting symptoms, but it is all worth it in the end.
Now about that end...it happens to be in February as I mentioned above. February happens to be the month that most of my family liked to be born, so we will be dodging numerous birthdays. My little cousin was born on the 1st, my brother was born on the 5th, my cousin (mom to first cousin listed) was born on the 9th, grandmother was born on the 11th, Grandfather was born on the 17th, and my MIL was born on the 14th. I have a lot of avoiding to do, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. We're just looking forward to welcoming a new little person into our family. My grandmother is dying to know what we are having, but will have to just cool her heals until the end of September. We have yet to even see the little one yet.
I did have to buy a Doppler though..you know women who are pregnant have issues. Some of these issues are brought on by other pregnant woman. With DD I had had a previous miscarriage a few months before so I received two early ultrasounds and was lucky enough to see her at 6 weeks, 9 weeks, 13 weeks and 20 weeks. With this one everything has been fine so no early ultrasound, well then the posting started. Miscarriages, missed miscarriages, very low heartbeat, and I just knew in my hormone saturated head that something was terribly wrong, so I quickly navigated to Ebay and bought my very own Doppler. I had to hear that heartbeat, had too. It came and my husband and I anxiously awaited to hear that little beating heart and after about 10 minutes of smearing it through that fabulous gel, there is was. Fast and strong just like it was suppose to be. :D The doctor found it to last week, duh he's the doctor, and I checked in again last night just to make sure that everything was all peachy in there. Now we don't check every night, so don't go all "Doppler's are bad for the baby" on me. I just check in like once a week, to make sure that all seems fine and dandy and to reassure myself a bit since I can't feel the little one yet. Its great to just listen to that little heartbeat away and know that in less then three months there will be a new little life to love and enjoy.
So that is our big news thus far. We have an appt for our first ultrasound on Thursday. They are doing the NT test to make sure that everything looks good. Hopefully we will be able to walk away with a couple of pictures, just like with Boogie. If that is the case, then I will let you all see the little one. I will also try to get a couple of belly shots although right now I look more fluffy then pregnant, but hey the beach is a good setting for any photos, and since we are heading down there on Saturday, I will try my hardest.
Have a great day everyone, and I promise an ultrasound update this weekend.
1 comment:
Yay for more cousins!!!! Can't wait to see you guys at the beach, BBug says everyday, "We go to the beach tomorrow to see Boogie and NahNah and PopPop and Uncle Jon and Aunt Beth and Grandma!" (yes, she names ALL of you) Today she even said, "and Boogie's grandma and grandpa" - how she knew that they were going I have no idea! And everyday I have to say, "No, not until Saturday."
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