Watching Boogie Grow

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Quickly Growing into Mommie's Shoes

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

The baby princess..

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 23, 2009

Exciting Weekend for the Coopers

So its the weekend before Thanksgiving when thoughts of Black Friday Sales are starting to dance in my head, but first we had a couple of big events to get out of the way. I am going to start backwards, since I have those pictures readily available.

Sunday broke as a very very gloomy, cold, blustery,rainy day. Not really something that we are used to here in GA, but having lived in Boston for a couple of years, DH and I can manage we just don't like to. :D However, we couldn't get around leaving the comfy warmth of our cozy house, because we had a date. A date with the 3D/4D ultrasound people to have a look at baby Addison. Not only were we excited but Boogie was beside herself about seeing her baby sissy. :D

I have been hydrating like a fiend for the past 3 weeks to make sure that we got good pictures and praying that Addy wouldn't keep her hands in front of her face the whole time. Well that pray was answered there were no hands to be seen, instead she did this....

Yep those are her cute as a button little muscular legs, smack in front of her cute as a button little face. No hands to be seen anywhere, who says God doesn't have a sense of humor. :D

I have decided that while Boogie may have a future as a Prima Ballerina, Addy is destine for Cirque du Soleil. I mean if I could do this with my legs, I would be making some big bucks.

Yep another look at that beautiful leg. Her toes are pointing to her forehead in case your having a hard time making all of this out. Look at that cute little nose though. :D

Boogie was all snugglie with me on the table and wanted to be close while we looked at Addy. She even sang twinkle twinkle little star to her, and then we got the money shot...

A tiny little smile from sister to sister. Now tell me that is not the cutest little face you have ever seen.
Oh and I found a hand, do you see it? Way up there in the top right hand corner well out of her face, right above her foot. She kept them on top of her head the whole time, hee hee. I'm telling you if I was this flexible I would be rich. :D

So we finally got to see the little one that will be joining our family in February, and she looks like she might be taking after her big sister in the strong willed category, but we just couldn't be happier.

Next up, our Saturday activities, which had to do with fish, frogs and princesses. :D

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