Watching Boogie Grow

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Quickly Growing into Mommie's Shoes

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The baby princess..

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Not Me Monday

I like this comes from this This is my first shot at this so here goes....

I absolutely did not stay up all day Thanksgiving, eat a kings ransom in turkey and mashed potatoes, and then drag my mom, brother and sister in law out to the Orlando Premium Outlets at midnight to sit in traffic for two hours to park. I most certainly did not then continue to shop with my mom (after above mentioned brother and SIL bailed on us an hour and a half into the expedition) until 6:30am. I then did not get up after two hours of sleep and jump right back in the car with my wonderful, beautiful, resilient mom and continue our shopping spree in Ocala for the next two hours, only to return home to sleep for the 4 hours before getting up with my darling 3 year old.

The cherry on the sundae is that I did not do all of this 7 months pregnant with my 2nd little princess and no Starbucks. That would just be insane and no pregnant woman in her right mind would do such a crazy thing even if it did mean saving hundreds of dollars in sales prices. No way was that me.

There are no pictures, so it had to be someone else.


Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Wow, you are the energizer bunny! How do you find the energy or time? I only have one and am most definitely not pregnant, and I couldn't do all you did!

Great Not Me's-- hope you keep playing!


Sandy said...

Wow- I remember Black Friday shopping when I was 38 weeks pregnant with my first, but haven't gone out since! Kudos to you- hope you got everything you were looking for!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you didn't do any of those things. Why, that would just be insane! Congratulations on your princess-to-be.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
Kristi, Hello...Is This On?

Tamara Ann said...

Thank goodness that wasn't you! I would hate to have to tell people that my sister was certifiable!! Can't wait to see you this weekend!