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Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Wicked Weather Prayer...

There is no doubt in my mind that you have seen the pictures and videos of the total devastation that came through the South yesterday.  We were on edge all night last night as at least a dozen tornadoes touched down in various parts of Georgia, but thankfully we were not effected.  I prayed and I prayed hard, and I felt bad about that because I don't pray often enough.  However, I think that God heard me and he kept us safe.  He watched out for all our family and friends scattered across Alabama and Georgia, and we are all safe.  I prayed mostly  for my kiddos, the two little ones that I couldn't imagine life without and the new little one that we have only weeks until we meet.  It was selfish of me as a mother to pray to God to keep them safe, but I did it anyway with fervor because that is what moms do.  We pray everyday for God's infinite wisdom to protect our children, and I think he understands that.  I breathed a sigh of relief at 1:30am when it looked like we were out of the woods in the Atlanta metro area, and I fell asleep thanking God for his protection.

This morning I woke up and felt sad and humble because while God had seen fit to keep my family and friends safe from these storms, there were many, many others that could not say the same thing.  Many others that probably prayed the same prayer I did but would not wake up in this world this morning.  Many who were spared but lost everything they owned.  Many who made it through a terrifying night of wind and rain and hail to see the sun come up and learn that a loved one or a close friend had not made it. 

So today instead of selfishly praying for myself or my children, I pray for those that have lost. Lost all their possessions, lost friends and loved ones, lost simply everything.  I pray that God can be the strength that they need to pick up whatever pieces are salvageable and rebuild their lives.  I pray that no matter what they lost yesterday they are able to find a way to continue living.

That is my prayer today from the bottom of my heart.


Tamara Ann said...

That is beautiful Beth. I too am praying for those families not as fortunate as ours. Love y'all!

Modern Country Lady said...

Hi Beth, God bless you- I am convinced whoever prays, is heard- and if you pray for others, you will certainly be heard.Have a great week.